The above information is provided in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC ("GDPR").
  • Controller: společnost ATG s.r.o (ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY GROUP, s.r.o.)
  • having its registered office at: Matějská 2416/1, 160 00 Prague 6 - Dejvice, Czech Republic
  • Company ID: 453 14 772, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section C, File 8740.
  • Controller's contact details: ATG branch, Toužimská 771, Prague 9 - Letňany 199 00, email:, phone: + 420 273 037 611
  • Contact details for GDPR: e-mail:, HR Department

Method and scope of personal data processing:
The legal basis for the processing of a data subject's personal data is that the processing is required to comply with legal obligations applicable to the Controller under applicable legislation, specifically under point (c) of Art. 6 (1) GDPR, as well as that the processing is required to perform a contract, a party to which the data subject is, as well as to implement any measures adopted prior to concluding the contract at this data subject's request under point (b) of Art. 6 (1) GDPR, and that the processing is required for the purpose of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or a third party under point (f) of Art. 6 (1) GDPR.

Source of personal data:
  • Data subjects – natural persons whom the personal data concerns.
  • Data controllers – suppliers, clients, end customers, certification authorities and institutions.
  • Public records and registers.
  • To ensure the safety of ATG, its employees, partners and clients, CCTV, attendance and access systems have been installed on and in ATG buildings. Data subjects are always notified of the placement of the CCTV systems using information boards and pictograms posted at the entrance to the company premises. CCTV system recordings are archived for the necessary period of time and are not further processed for any other purposes

Purpose of personal data processing:
  • Performance of contracts - Provision of NDT services.
  • Performance of contracts - Inspection activities.
  • Performance of contracts - Provision of personal certification in NDT.
  • Performance of contracts - Securing conditions for the installation and assembly of production equipment delivered at the destination in accordance with concluded business contracts.
  • Offering products and services of the company and its business and certification partners and organisations (commercial communication under Art. 480/2004 Coll.)
  • Company's operating activities.
  • Protecting property and persons.

For the above purposes, we process the following data:
  • Identification details: first name, last name, title, date and place of birth, ID card number, photo.
  • Contact details and address: address, phone number, e-mail address, job position, company name.
  • Details demonstrating professional qualification: education, professional experience, additional details regarding qualification (certificates and credentials).
  • Details demonstrating health fitness in accordance with the requirements of the qualification regulations. Personal data for the assessment of capacity for work under point (h) of Art. 9 (2) GDPR. The personal data concern visual capacity for the performance of NDT activities on the basis of a consent.

Period of retention of personal data: The retention period depends on the duration of the contractual obligation and the relevant qualification regulations and internal guidelines. In terms of personal certification, the standard retention period is 10 years or longer depending on the requirements arising from qualification regulations (such as ČSN EN ISO 9712, ASNT Recommended Practice SNT-TC-1A, EN4179/NAS410 and more).

Categories of recipients of processed personal data: For the above purpose, personal data are processed by the Controller – ATG, ATG's processors (based on personal data processing agreements in accordance with the GDPR), or any third parties to the extent defined in the relevant business or other contract. The third party may be an end customer for whom the contract was performed/intended or certification authorities or organisations that perform audit activities directly associated with the subject-matter of the contract and/or verify professional qualification of NDT personnel at the Supplier's and/or Customer's site.

Rights of Data Subjects: Each Data Subject has the right to be informed of the processing of their personal data. This primarily concerns information about the Controller's identity, the purpose of processing, categories of personal data, and recipients of personal data. They can exercise their rights as listed in Chapter III, GDPR by post at the ATG branch address: ATG, Toužimská 771, 199 00 Prague 9 - Letňany or by e-mail at:
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