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IRT - Testing and services

IRT testing process
The most important and most required standards for IRT are ASTM E 1934 (Examining Electrical and Mechanical Equipment with Infrared Thermography) and ASTM E 2582 (Standard Practice for Infrared Flash Thermography of Composite Panels and Repair Patches Used in Aerospace Applications). From EN standards it is possible to mention EN 13 187 (Thermal performance of buildings) or ČSN ISO 18 434-1 (Condition monitoring and diagnostics of machines).

Specification of customers as e.g. NDT manuals of Boeing 737, Airbus A310, Airbus 318 -A321 etc. are also often used.

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Services of NDT Level III
  • qualification of the NDT personnel
  • preparing of the Written Procedures, methodical performance of the testing, acceptance criteria
  • laboratory testing / in site testing
  • outputs and inspection reporting
  • expertise guarantees, methodical and legislative activities

We offer consultancy services for your clients. Our specialists recommend you suitable methods, specify correct technique for your application (testing sensitivity), warn about the possible limitations, optimize the testing parameters, chose the equipment and aids, prepare the written instructions, safety instructions, design the workplace / laboratory, etc.
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