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LT - Testing and services

We provide training services, measuring and inspections tailored to customer's requirements or according to international, national and industrial standards.

Testing techniques of LT
For leakage testing wide scale of testing methods / techniques is available. One of the main parameters is the level of pressure used for creation of the pressure gradient. According to this pressure we recognize overpressure and vacuum techniques.

According to used technique and in relation to the tested part, requirements of the testing procedure and required test sensitivity the appropriate testing equipment and aids shall be chosen. The following techniques are used most frequently:

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  • pressure change testing (overpressure, vacuum, ..)
  • bubble testing (overpressure, vacuum box, ..)
  • liquid penetrant testing (the penetration through the test object)
  • mass spectrometer testing - UL 100 (Tracer gas method - He)

Each testing technique needs specific equipment to be used. The testing can be performed in ATG laboratory facilities as well as in site.

Services of NDT Level III

Practical performance of testing
  • laboratory / in site testing
  • methodical optimization
  • outputs and inspection reporting

Vocational guarantee, methodical and legislative activities
  • NDT Level III personnel assure these activities including:
    • preparing of the Written Procedures
    • methodical performance of the testing
    • cooperation in process of acceptance criteria determination

We offer our clients consultancy services. Our specialists recommend you suitable methods, specify correct technique for your application (testing sensitivity), warn about possible limitations, optimize testing parameters, chose equipment and aids, prepare written instructions, safety instructions, design the workplace / laboratory, etc.
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